For over 25 years Bible Exhibitions have been viewed by tens of thousands of children around the UK.

What is a Bible Exhibition?

It is not a collection of dusty old Bibles! These exhibitions are an interactive presentation designed to bring the stories of the Bible to life. Comprising 18 light-weight display boards, a narrator will lead each class through the story, meeting various characters (in costume) along the way. These presentations have proven to be useful tools in partnership with schools to compliment their RE syllabus.

Who runs a Bible Exhibition?

An exhibition is hosted by a local church for the use of schools in their vicinity. The local church provides the narrators and characters for each exhibition. A helpful presentation guide is offered to help churches run the presentations effectively.

Where are Bible Exhibitions held?

Sometimes the host church accommodate the exhibition in their own building and invite schools groups to attend. Where this is not possible or convenient, exhibitions can be erected in a school hall.

What is the cost of an exhibition? 

There is no charge to the school for these presentations, it is offered freely by the host church who give a donation towards costs.

What does a typical presentation involve?

Sitting on the floor, each class will come on a journey through the main stories of the exhibition. At various intervals, characters (dressed in costume) will tell their story, first-hand. This part of the exhibition takes around 45-50 minutes.

Afterwards, worksheets (along with clipboards and pencils) are given out for pupils to answer questions. This is done by visiting each exhibition display to discover the answers.

This is a typical programme but there is scope for host churches to vary the format. Some include breaking for refreshments, a food tasting table and other activities.

What ages are Bible Exhibitions suitable for?

Although the presentations are quite flexible to accommodate older and younger groups, they are designed for key-stage 2 pupils (years 3, 4, 5 and 6).

What about children with disabilities?

Over the many years that Bible Exhibitions have been in use, they have proven to be flexible in accommodating children with disabilities. For example, narrators and characters have been happy to wear portable loop amplifiers to help children with hearing aids. Blind children have been encouraged to meet each character to touch and feel the texture of the costumes and props. Wheelchair users can easily move around the exhibition and participate in the whole presentation (host churches would appreciate advance notice for disabled access).

How do I find out more?

The point of contact for schools participating in a Bible Exhibition is the host church.

Please visit our testimonial page to find out what teachers have had to say about Bible Exhibitions.